Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Love Letter to John 17 (poem)

This little things I hold
precious moments that lifts me
to the unruffled sky,
the kind that I'll eternally hold.
Special gifts that made me whole,
To peacefully sleep in your arms
To kiss your eyelids before they close,
To wake up watching the light glow in your eyes,
To forget the freezing hours because you lovingly hug me,
To love the world because of your smile,
To have some tea with you while hearring your laughter,
To talk with you and savour your sweet lips in between your sentences,
To walk with you with your hands lock in mine under the rain,
To gaze at your loving eyes that tells how much you adore me,
To laugh at you and hug you when your cats upsets you,
To feel brand new each day knowing you're there...
While everyone's busy worshipping materials things,
I am busy collecting priceless moments with you,my love.

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