Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Rain


Her miniscule of hope
by the  angry sea of lawlessness.

Her rights of existence
no matter what she did
to fight.

She came with pure intentions
to work in a foreign land
no agendas of hostility...
essence rationalized..

but then...

take the cloth of her penitence
smell the sweat and tears mixed,
inhale its scent into the best part of you

and feel...
the chain of aches
attached to it.

Be the burning witness,
be her voice when she wants to fret
while handwashing the blood stain
stick to her employer's undies

Be the voice when she hold back her tongue
to speak out her heart
everytime they scold her,
abuse her..tear her apart...

free of restraint,
free to be free,
carry the pearls from her eyes
to the sea...

To the sea where she bank many of the black pearls
produced by her weary eyes
Most of them were breed
by her cold-hearted employers;
the equity stealers.

Sense her Rain
and note her fears as she walk,
she feebly walk
on the labyrinth
of daily, deadly nightmares.

Cleanse her inner sense
wash away other's brash pretence
that cost their souls a cent,
cleanse it away...away from her...

As you keep pouring,Rain
please whisper to her..

Never surrender,
Don't quit,
Don't fall,
Don't fall...

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